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Tuesday, August 18, 2009


For the second time in as many months, I am an Uncle! This time it's via my baby brother Dan Girt. The new clan member is Maximus Leeland Girt, who was officially measured as 8.5 pounds and 21.25 inches long upon ejection from the birth canal.

I've often mused the notion of being an Uncle. I have so many fond memories of my own uncles that I feel I need to pay them homage by being a great uncle myself. My mom and dads brothers (and sister, God rest her soul) were safe examples of the variety of human beings that I'd encounter. They were all very different from each other, having varied interests, personalities, directions in life. And being that they were all family, were also very kind and supportive of me which led to a healthy measure to which I could grow and develop as a person.

I think Uncles and Aunts have an angle on parenting that the natural parents sometimes can't get to. There's that adult connection a child has to an Aunt/Uncle thats still grown up, but separated a bit from the discipline and order that the parents need to maintain. As long as the Aunt/Uncle has good morals and direction in life, they provide an adult relationship that isn't far removed from the parents.

So, I'll wait patiently for the opportunity to take my nephews for walks, or to shows, or teach them how to play guitar. Maybe they'll be into paintball, and Uncle Rick will get to take them out to mow faces. Maybe they'll be interested in music, and Uncle Rick will get to teach them why metal is the superior form of music. Perhaps they'll be interested in smoking cigars. Uncle Rick will be there to point out the good ones, and how not to buy the cheap drug store crap, like I did when I was a youngster.

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