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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Indoctrinating The Boys

Last Saturday was Fathers day for me. I was more or less kicked out of
the house with the boys for my sister in laws baby shower. I have to
admit I was indignant at first, but I suppose I was actually a little
relieved. Other than the food, baby showers aren't really my gig. We
first went to go watch Up at the Meadville theater. I can't say enough
good things about this movie, so I won't even try. I will say though,
had I been female, I prolly would have teared up in a few spots.
Afterwards we went to Casy's for ice cream. It's a classy joint. The
girls working there are cute and pleasant, an got a kick outta my
boys. We sat under the overcast clouds and ate Nerd Heaven, Mint
Chocolate Chip, and Fudge o'Rama. Best part of it all, the had Joy
Cones. I was a little surprised last week when Silas informed me that
he no linger liked sugar cones and preferred the cake cones. It's
apparent. To me now that it's due to the fact that the cake cone holds
more ice cream. Smart boy.
After that we went to the Diamond Park. Not much there, but we did
look around at all the monuments. I made them read all the epithets.
They were most impressed when I would do the math in my head and tell
them how long the monument had been there. These guys think that 10
years is a long time, so numbers like 80 and 110 are like the sand on
a beach to them. Most impressive was the monument to fallen solders of
foreign wars. I think we stood there for 10 minutes (which is like, 10
years to my boys) talking about the wars and the people who died in
them. I really hope this memory sticks with them. I watched a whole
bus load of pre teen brats giggle their way through the holocaust
museum in D.C. It was rather infuriating.
Our next stop was Shadybrook Park. There was a little honkytonk
birthday party going on. Some of it's attendants clearly thought they
were from the ghetto, but to the trained eye it was obvious that they
probably lived in a trailer off a dirt road somewhere. The boys still
had fun playing on the damp playground, and a little tag and redlight/
greenlight in the broken glass covered basketball court.
Finally, my last stop before heading home was at the house of Mrs.
Wood. We sat around and talked for a couple hours while the boys
munched on chips and watched Harry Potter. Her son, my old highschool
friend John finally showed up and we talked for another hour or so.

It was a nice day.

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